‘Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.’ –Benjamin Franklin.

What I learned attending Dynamics 365 Saturday in Lawrenceburg, IN

Last Saturday I attended Dynamics 365 Saturday event in Lawrenceburg, IN. The event was packed with talented subject matter experts presenting on a ton of different topics from Finance and Operations to Customer Engagement, Business Central and Power Platform. I have such a passion for presenting and Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement so this was a perfect combination! Besides being able to learn and share knowledge at these types ofRead More

Dynamics 365 Customer Service: Setup Mailbox for Automatic Case Creation

In this article I am going to explain how we can setup a mailbox in exchange and tie that to a support mailbox in Dynamics 365. When people send an email to this mailbox, a case will automatically be created by the system. We can then use a workflow to assign this new case to a queue or team as described in this previously published article. Please note for thisRead More

Dynamics 365 Customer Service: Automatic Case Assignment

In this article I am going to explain how we can use workflows to assign cases to a team in Dynamics 365 based on the issue type(category and subcategory). Once the case is assigned to a team, managers or customer service reps can then pick cases they want to work on by assigning cases to others or themselves. The team membership will determine which team Customer Service Reps can pickRead More

Email account isn’t configured with D365 error

Last week I had an issue with the Dynamics 365 for Outlook App. I had connected outlook to my sandbox environment and now I needed to remove that configuration and connect it to the production environment instead. Note, I had done this many times before in this tenant.After configuring the mailboxes in both instances, I opened Outlook and clicked the Dynamics 365 button to test the integration. An error messageRead More

D365 Saturday in Southern IN-OH-KY

Join us on the river at the casino to learn all about Dynamics 365. We will have four tracks at this exciting free day of learning. Tracks will include Finance and Operations, Customer Engagement, Business Central, and the Power Platform. I will be presenting three different sessions in the Customer Engagement track. There is a block of rooms available at the hotel if you want to stay the night atRead More

D365 App for Outlook shows Dashboard vs Contact/Lead Pane

One of my coworkers reached out to me last week to see if I knew why a dashboard was shown when she clicked on the D365 button in Outlook from within an email. It was very strange, normally if the email address of the sender or other recipients on the email exist in D365 you’ll see a lead or contact pane with relevant information pop up, and if there isRead More

D365 CE Unified Interface Presentation

Hi everyone! I did a presentation for the CRM User Group in Cincinnati on the Unified Interface in D365 on April 25, 2019, click here if you want to view the recording! Share this!

Creating a work order from an opportunity in Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement (yes, with opportunity products!!!!)

Users were always able to convert an opportunity to one or multiple work orders, but if the opportunity had opportunity products associated, these items wouldn’t make their way over to the work order. The fact that opportunity products didn’t carry over to the work order didn’t make a lot of sense to me, so I am glad that Microsoft now includes this type of functionality. After all, there are severalRead More