‘Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.’ –Benjamin Franklin.
Dynamics 365 – 2020 Release Wave 1 | Part 3

In my final article on the 2020 release wave 1 I’ll be discussing the new features for D365 Field Service and Sales Insights. You are probably aware that on January 27 of 2020 the release notes came out for the 2020 release wave 1 for Dynamics 365 and the Power Platform and on February 3rd 2020 we were able to enable these features for early access. If you haven’t readRead More
Dynamics 365 – 2020 Release Wave 1 | Part 2

On January 27 of 2020 the release notes came out for Dynamics 365 and the Power Platform and on February 3rd 2020 we were able to enable these features for early access. If you haven’t read the first part one of this article where I’m discussing the Dynamics 365 Sales updates, you can do so here. In today’s article I am going to discuss the Dynamics 365 Customer Service updates.Read More
Dynamics 365 – 2020 Release Wave 1 | Part 1

On January 27 of 2020 the release notes came out for Dynamics 365 and the Power Platform and on February 3rd 2020 we were able to enable these features for early access. In the next few weeks am going to write a few articles where I’ll do an overview on the updates and new features included in this release wave. In today’s article I am going to discuss the updatesRead More
Custom Help Panes and Guided Tasks for Unified Interface Apps

Do any of you remember learning path that is available in the legacy interface in Dynamics 365? I didn’t really get to work with it, as I found it was a little clunky. For those who don’t know what this is, let me try to explain how it worked; when a user clicked on the help button in the user interface inside of Dynamics 365, a help pane opened upRead More
D365 Sales Insights: Notes Analysis

Last week I was working on a demo and adding some sample data into Dynamics 365. To be exact, I wanted to show the ability of using posts in the timeline and users tagging other users with a question or a comment. I tagged one of the fake accounts I have in there (Theresa Testing) and asked if she could help me with an opportunity. After a second I noticedRead More
Dynamics 365 Sales: Generate PDF from Word Templates

This week I was getting ready for a presentation for the Dynamics 365 user group, and while I was making sure everything in my instance was working correctly for the demo, I noticed that some new functionality had been added to the system. Before this update we were only able to generate PDFs from the quote entity, but to my surprise I noticed we can now enable this functionality forRead More
Configure Field Service mobile colored views

Before I start working on configurations for a customer demonstration I usually do some discovery with the prospect so understand what is important to them and what are the pain points they want resolved. One of the things that comes up quite regularly is the ability for field technicians to be able to identify high priority work orders quicker. In this article I’m going to discuss how we can configureRead More
Configure warranty tracking for customer assets using calculated fields

One question I received a lot from my customers is about warranty options for customer assets. We can configure products to automatically create a customer asset at the service account once a work order product is consumed, but currently there is no option to track if that asset is under warranty or not. Armed with these requirements and the configuration options in Dynamics 365 I decided to build this functionalityRead More
Dynamics 365 Views: Reflow Behavior & Card Forms

Most of you are probably pretty familiar with entity views, which show a list of entity records on a page. In the past system administrators there weren’t a lot of configuration options for these views. Yes admins were able to add columns, configure sort options, filter data, etc. but there was no control on how this information would be presented to the end user. In the Unified Interface we haveRead More