Tag: Variables
Building Topics with Inputs & Outputs in Copilot Studio
There have been a lot of updates to Copilot Studio recently! During the Power Platform Community Conference Microsoft announced a lot of new features, but there were some other things that went unnoticed or were not mentioned. Maybe you’ve noticed that Copilot’s responses are A LOT faster then they used to be? That is absolutely correct! Microsoft made some great improvements which is why you are seeing this! Another featureRead More
Pass customer data from pre-chat survey to Power Virtual Agent
PLEASE NOTE IF YOU HAVE UPGRADED TO COPILOT STUDIO, THE SOLUTION IN THIS ARTICLE IS IS NO LONGER WORKING! PLEASE READ MY NEW ARTICLE ON HOW THIS WORKS IN COPILOT STUDIO! If you are familiar with Power Virtual Agent and Omnichannel, you are probably aware that when these applications are integrated, we can create one or more pre-chat survey questions that will show in the chat when a customer engagesRead More