Inventory Transfers using the Inventory Dashboard
In this post I’m going to discuss how to use the previously created Inventory Dashboard to perform and inventory transfer, meaning moving products from one warehouse to another. If you haven’t read my two previous posts yet on how to setup the inventory dashboard and how to show in which warehouse work order products are available on the Field Service Mobile App, I would recommend doing this first.
How does it work?
We are going to use Woodford to configure the Field Service mobile application so that we can move products from one warehouse to another (I.E Truck) very easily. After this configuration we can open the Inventory Dashboard, then click on a product under Work Order Products – Products for this week view. This will open the work order products form, where we will be able to see where a product is available. We can then click on the warehouse that has this item available (which will take use to the Product Inventory form) and create a new or use an existing Inventory Transfer record, where we will transfer the product.
Log into Woodford from Dynamics 365 (Settings>Woodford>MobileCRM Woodford HTML5) and open your project. The first thing we’re going to do is to enable the Inventory Transfers entity and the Inventory Adjustment Products entity. On the left side, search for the Inventory Adjustment Products entity and enable it by clicking the ‘enable’ button on the ribbon. Select any fields you want to enable. NOTE: You can set permissions for fields in this area. Repeat these steps to enable the Inventory Transfers entity. Once the fields have been selected and the entity is enabled, click the blue ‘edit’ icon on the left of the entity name.

Create a new view for the Inventory Transfer entity by clicking the ‘New View’ button on the ribbon. I called this new view ‘Inventory Transfers’. Add the fields to the view by dragging them from the fields explorer to the designer area. We also want to make sure our form is setup correctly, so let’s save and close the view and open the default form.
When you’re done be sure to save and close the editor.
Now let’s add the Inventory Transfers Grid to the Product Inventory form. On the left side, search for the Product Inventory entity.
(If needed, you can enable the entity by clicking the ‘enable’ button on the ribbon. Pick the fields you want to use and click ‘save’.) Now click on the edit icon on the left side of the entity name to bring up the forms, views and charts. Open the default form.)

On the ribbon, click the “Add List” button and select “Inventory Transfers List”. You should now see the list added on the right side of the form. Double click the list and select the view you just created, then save your changes.
In the next step we’re going to add the Inventory Adjustment Products grid to the Inventory Transfers form. Open the Inventory Transfers default form (or create a new form). Click ‘Add list’ from the ribbon and select Inventory Adjustment Products List. Double click the list to configure the view and click the Properties tab. Under ‘Actions’ make sure the ‘Create New’ action is checked, otherwise users are unable to create new records. Click ‘save and close’ to close the associated tab properties window. Save and close the form.
Now let’s make sure the form for Inventory Adjustment Products is setup. Navigate to the Inventory Adjustment Products entity and create a new form if needed. The fields I used on the form are: Inventory Transfer, Product, Quantity and Unit.
NOTE: Make sure that when you create a new Inventory Adjustment Product, the record is tied to the Inventory Transfer record that you selected in the previous screen. In other words, if we we want the inventory transfer lookup on the inventory adjustment product record to be populated with the inventory transfer record from where we just created the product record. In order to do this, we have to make sure relationship mappings in Dynamics 365 are setup correctly, and we need to make sure the ‘Uses entity & attribute map’ option is checked in the mobile configuration. You can do this by navigating to ‘Configuration’ in Woodford. This section is under ‘Data’.

Lastly be sure to publish your project before testing the functionality. Once the project is published you can test out your configurations. Go through the following steps to test:
- Assign a work order to yourself in Dynamics 365 for Field Service that has a work order product which is available in one of the warehouses.
- Open the Mobile App and synchronize the data (make sure the app is in online mode)
- Open the Inventory Dashboard
- Click to open a work order product under ‘Work Order Products’
- Click any of the records available under the ‘Available At’ grid
- Create a new Inventory Transfer record or select any in the Inventory Transfer grid (From Main to Truck)
- Click the + sign on the Inventory Adjustment Product grid
- Add an Inventory Adjustment Product and click Save & Close
- Click away from the dashboard (I.E click on Bookings) and click back to the Inventory Dashboard to find your product has been added to the truck warehouse.
I hope you enjoyed this post! Be sure to check in again next week for a new article or subscribe here to never miss another post!
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