Category: Customer Service Workspace


Enable AI generated conversation summary(preview)

In this article I am going to discuss a feature that is currently in preview. I had a little trouble finding out how this works, which is why I decided to write this article about it. This feature is part of the collaboration between Dynamics 365 Customer Service and Microsoft Teams which utilizes an AI model that uses natural language to summarize a transcript of an active chat conversation fromRead More

Dynamics 365: 2022 Release notes for wave 2 are here!

Earlier today Microsoft published the release notes for the 2022 Release wave 2! I always tell people to keep in mind that this is a living document, meaning that these updates are not set in stone. Microsoft is continuously updating the release notes by changing, adding and even removing functionality from the plan. This is also one of the reasons I will not post any preview or GA dates here.Read More

Configure custom status on SLA Timer

This article is about another feature that is part of Dynamics 365 2022 Release Wave 1. Let me first explain what this feature is about, because when you read the information on Microsoft’s doc site related to this feature, it might be a little bit confusing. A while ago I wrote this article on the new SLA timer control where I explained how you can add this new control toRead More

Microsoft Teams embedded chat | Part 2

In late October of 2021 I wrote an article about one of my favorite new features in Dynamics 365. Yes, you guessed it, I am talking about the Microsoft Teams integration with Dynamics 365. In particular, I am referring to the embedded chat within Dynamics 365. This functionality allows users to access Microsoft Teams chats directly from within Dynamics 365 and even allows users to link chats to Dynamics 365Read More

Ad-hoc Power Bi reporting in Dynamics 365 (preview)

In this article I am going to discuss yet another preview feature! I have to say I am super excited about this one because this feature allows users to pull up an ad-hoc Power BI report, without having to actually build a power bi report! HUH? I know that sounds strange right? How can you visualize data in Power Bi without building a report? We are all familiar with showingRead More

Customer Service Workspace Review

I was working in the new Customer Service Workspace app, which got added to my instance as part of the 2020 Release Wave 2 (keep in mind this app is still in preview). I wrote a small piece on this app as part of my article Dynamics 365 – 2020 Release Wave 2 | Part 3 which you can read here or if you prefer watching a video you canRead More

App Profile Manager

The App Profile Manager is something that is completely new, this feature was added in September. It gives system administrators another tool to add configurations to an app. The app profile has nothing to do with the data users are accessing through the app (as you know this is handled by security roles), but it is focused on giving people access (or preventing access) to certain items and functionality inRead More