Tag: Unified Interface
2021 Release Wave 2 | Part 1: Generic Updates

It’s August can that means the Microsoft Holidays are here because we now have the ability to install the early release features of 2021 Release Wave 2 in a sandbox environment for testing! I call this time of year ‘the Microsoft Holidays’ because I always feel like a little kid that gets to unwrap her presents during the holidays! For the folks who are not familiar with Microsoft’s release cadence,Read More
New Timer Control for SLA’s

We had the timer control for cases for quite some time and if you’re not familiar with what this is or what this does, let me explain it to you. The timer control can be added to forms of tables that have been enabled for SLA’s. Cases are enabled for SLA’s out of the box which means we can immediately add the control to a case form. When a SLARead More
Dynamics 365 Views: Reflow Behavior & Card Forms

Most of you are probably pretty familiar with entity views, which show a list of entity records on a page. In the past system administrators there weren’t a lot of configuration options for these views. Yes admins were able to add columns, configure sort options, filter data, etc. but there was no control on how this information would be presented to the end user. In the Unified Interface we haveRead More
Adding Components to Unified Interface App(s)

Now that Microsoft put an expiration date on the legacy interface I thought it would be time to write a post about how to add components to the apps that we use in the unified interface. For all of you who haven’t heard yet, as of September 2019, the legacy web client is deprecated. Customers will have to transition to the Unified Interface before October 1, 2020. In the meantime,Read More