Tag: Report automation
Schedule weekly email with quote details and hyperlink | Part 2

Last week I wrote part 1 of my article on how you can use Power Automate to automatically send a weekly email with data from Dynamics 365 Sales, or Dataverse. If you haven’t read the article yet, I would suggest doing that first. You can access the article here. In today’s article I am going to finish building the Power Automate flow. Last week we left off at the ‘ListRead More
Schedule weekly email with quote details and hyperlink | Part 1

In todays article I am going to explain a specific requirement and show you how we can use power automate to satisfy this particular requirement. A few months ago I had to demonstrate a scenario where sales people needed to get a reminder for outstanding quotes they needed to follow up on. The sales people would create quotes on a daily bases, but not all quotes would be completed ‘allRead More