Tag: Records


Restore deleted Dataverse rows with the Recycle Bin(preview)

Any organization that uses any type of system may at some point in time need to delete records or rows from their database(s). This can be for various reasons, like cleaning up data, correcting errors, or following business rules. Another scenario that is possible is that someone deleted a record that was not supposed to be deleted by accident. This can lead to the fact that sometimes you might needRead More

Associate emails to multiple records (preview)

As you might or might not know, today we only have the ability to relate activities to ONE row (or record) in Dynamics 365 CX by setting the ‘regarding’ field on the activity. This can be problematic, because there might be a need to save a record to multiple rows (or records). A good example of when there would be a need to associate an activity (like an email) toRead More