Tag: Plugin
Extend D365 Customer Service Copilot: Ask questions about your data(verse)

Earlier this month I posted an article on how you can extend the Copilot that sits inside of Dynamics 365 Customer Service by using Prompt Plugins. If you haven’t had a chance to read that article yet, then you can do so here. In the article I explained how you can create prompt plugins in Copilot Studio which are then surfaced inside of Dynamics 365 Customer Service as a PluginRead More
Extend D365 Customer Service Copilot with Prompt Plugins (preview)

The preview feature that I am writing about today is a feature that a lot of us have been waiting for! I am super excited that it’s finally here, and I think this will be a game changer for service organizations! If you are familiar with Dynamics 365 Customer Service, than you most likely have seen the Copilot for agents (this is what I call it) that lives inside ofRead More
Copilot Studio: Dynamic chaining with generative actions (preview)

In previous articles I showed you how you can create plugin actions (currently in preview) in Copilot Studio by using one of the Power Platform connectors, or by using a Power Automate Flow. In this article I am going to discuss how you can use Dynamic Chaining, another preview feature that is part of generative AI capabilities in Copilot Studio. First let me explain what dynamic chaining is. If youRead More
Use plugin actions in Copilot Studio (preview)

If you read last week’s article than you know that Microsoft announced a couple of new features during the Microsoft Power Platform Conference that took place in Las Vegas the first week of October. Last week I wrote about the ability to upload documents for generative answers which is in preview today, which allows us to upload one or multiple documents to be used in generative answers in Power VirtualRead More