Tag: automatically
Copilot assistance for form fill in Model-Driven Apps

Believe it or not, I have actually received requests in the past where prospects wanted the system to automatically create records in Dataverse or Dynamics 365, which of course is kind of crazy! We always need to integrate with another system, or have someone either enter data manually or import the data into Dynamics 365 (or Dataverse) (for example rows like accounts, contacts, opportunities, cases, etc.) after which we canRead More
Set Opportunity probability with Business Rules

As you might have noticed the opportunity entity has an out of the box field related to it that’s called ‘Probability’. This represents the opportunity’s probability of getting closed as a won deal. When you drag the field on the opportunity form there is no automatic calculation or anything for the values of this field. Users will have to manually enter a value in the probability field. In this articleRead More