D365 Field Service Work Order Entitlements – 2
Last week I wrote part one of Dynamics 365 Field Service work order entitlements where I talked about how you can use entitlements in conjunction with Dynamics 365 Field Service. In this article I explained how to set up a very simple entitlement for a customer. I discussed the options available when configuring these simple entitlements. You can read the article here. In this article I’ll be doing a bit of a deeper dive into entitlements. I’ll be discussing the more complex options we have when configuring entitlements by using entitlement applications. As the name already suggests, entitlement applications gives users more (complex) options to configure when the entitlement will be applied. There are a few different scenarios I will cover in this article.
When you add a new entitlement application to an entitlement, there are a few fields that you will see on the form. Different combinations of those fields can be used to configure different types of coverage.
- The Service Account field needs to be populated only if the account where the service will be performed is different from the account that is populated in the Primary Customer field on the related entitlement record. (The primary customer in this case would be the billing account) If the Service Account is populated, the Customer Asset field becomes locked and no data can be entered in the Customer Asset field. If the Primary Customer (on the entitlement record) is the account where the service will be taking place, then the Service Account field should remain blank. This will also unlock the Customer Asset field again.
- When the Customer Asset field is populated, the Service Account and Asset Category fields will be locked and no data can be entered in those fields. If the Customer Asset field is populated, this means that all work orders that are related to that customer asset will fall under the entitlement.
- Customer assets in Dynamics 365 Field Service can have a asset category assigned to them. The Asset Category field on the Entitlement Application will make sure that all work orders related to customer assets with the same asset category populated in the Asset Category field will fall under the entitlement. When the Asset Category field is populated, the Customer Asset field will be locked and no data can be entered.
- The Incident Type lookup will include all work orders that use this incident type in the entitlement, but ONLY this incident type. Populating this field doesn’t lock any other fields.
- The Entitlement field represents the entitlement this entitlement application is related to.
Now that I discussed all the fields on the entitlement application form, lets take a look at a few scenarios that can be configured for coverage.
Coverage: Customer Asset
If we want to provide coverage for a specific customer asset we would need to populate the customer asset field on the entitlement application. The Customer Asset field filters out customer assets that are related to the primary customer and assets that are related to accounts that have the primary customer as their billing account(child location). This means that if you want to configure this for an asset related to a child location, you can just simply select that asset without having to populate the service account field. (When populating data in the Service Account field field the Customer Asset field on the entitlement application form will be locked) Then save and close the record and activate the entitlement. All work orders related to the customer asset we selected will be included in the entitlement, regardless of the account the asset is related to.
Coverage: Customer Asset and only one type of work
If we would also populate the Incident Type field on the entitlement application form, this means we are restricting the coverage to work orders that are related to the same customer asset that was selected in the Customer Asset field on the entitlement application but only work orders where the incident type equals the incident type selected in the Incident Type field. Work orders that have a different incident type will not be covered under this entitlement.
Coverage: Group of Customer Assets
If a customer wanted to purchase coverage over a group of customer assets, we can use Asset Categories for this. This means that all work orders related to a customer asset that have this asset category assigned will be covered under the entitlement.
Coverage: Group of Customer Assets & one type of work
If we would also populate the Incident Type field on the entitlement application form as well, this would indicate that that work orders with this incident type selected, related to a customer asset that have this asset category assigned will be covered under the entitlement. If the service account field was also populated this means that this would only be covering that service account, and not the primary customer account.
Keep in mind that there can be multiple entitlement applications for one entitlement, meaning you can setup different rules and combinations. For example you could have one entitlement with an entitlement application for a customer asset at the primary customer (billing account) and another entitlement application for a child location for all work orders with an incident type of ‘Fan Out’. This means lots of possibilities!
Review & Edit Entitlement Info on Work Order
In order to view the entitlement information on a work order, you need to open the related work order products and work order services. By opening the ‘Other’ tab, you’ll be able to see the entitlement that was applied. This is also where you can disable the entitlement. For example maybe a work order was created where the wrong customer asset was applied. Removing the customer asset from the work order will not automatically remove the entitlement, you will need to check the ‘Disable Entitlement’ checkbox for each product and service where it needs to be removed. This will correct the pricing on each item.
However, if it’s the other way around where you created a work order but forgot to populate the customer asset and that customer asset is associated to an entitlement, the system will update the work order and apply the entitlement when the customer asset is populated on the work order after creation(if the conditions of the entitlement are met).
I hope you enjoyed this post! Be sure to check in again next week for a new topic or subscribe here to never miss another post!
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