Category: D365 Customer Service
Enable AI generated conversation summary(preview)

In this article I am going to discuss a feature that is currently in preview. I had a little trouble finding out how this works, which is why I decided to write this article about it. This feature is part of the collaboration between Dynamics 365 Customer Service and Microsoft Teams which utilizes an AI model that uses natural language to summarize a transcript of an active chat conversation fromRead More
Dynamics 365: 2022 Release notes for wave 2 are here!

Earlier today Microsoft published the release notes for the 2022 Release wave 2! I always tell people to keep in mind that this is a living document, meaning that these updates are not set in stone. Microsoft is continuously updating the release notes by changing, adding and even removing functionality from the plan. This is also one of the reasons I will not post any preview or GA dates here.Read More
Enhanced experience using email templates

In my last article I wrote about the new experience for creating email templates, and this week I am going to cover the enhanced experience end-users will have when adding an email template to an email message in Dynamics 365. This feature is also part of 2022 Release Wave 1 and has been generally available since April 1st of this year. It’s interesting to note that this feature is showingRead More
Configure custom status on SLA Timer

This article is about another feature that is part of Dynamics 365 2022 Release Wave 1. Let me first explain what this feature is about, because when you read the information on Microsoft’s doc site related to this feature, it might be a little bit confusing. A while ago I wrote this article on the new SLA timer control where I explained how you can add this new control toRead More
Interact with Dynamics 365 records in Teams Chat(Preview)

I feel like I’ve been repeating myself, since this is yet another article where I talk about additional functionality in the Microsoft Teams and Dynamics 365 integration. As a recap, previously I wrote two articles on the embedded Teams chat in Dynamics 365 which allows users to access Microsoft Teams chat from the Dynamics 365 application (if you haven’t read the articles yet you can do so here and here),Read More
Access Dynamics 365 data in Teams meetings (Preview)

Microsoft is investing more and more in the integration between Microsoft Teams and Dynamics 365 which I believe sets Dynamics 365 even further apart from the competition. I’m sure you are familiar with some of the features we have access to today, like the ability to view Dynamics 365 data from within Microsoft Teams or the ability to access a Teams chat from within Dynamics 365, but there are aRead More
D365 Customer Service: Swarming using Teams(preview)

Anyone who attended Microsoft’s Business Application Launch event has seen the new swarming functionality in Dynamics 365 Customer Service. This feature is currently in preview, but you can start testing it in your sandbox environments very soon! This feature takes advantage of the Microsoft Teams integration with Dynamics 365 Customer Service. So first… let’s discuss what this feature does! Swarming, or case swarming is a streamlined approach, allowing users toRead More
Customer Service Admin Center App: Quick Setups

I wrote a high level overview on this app in early March as part of my series on 2022 Release Wave 1, at which time this app was still in preview. If you haven’t heard about this app, this is a new app that is part of this release, which consolidates the administrative experience from different apps into one. This will make it a lot easier to configure Dynamics 365Read More
Power Automate: Copy and paste image field in D365

In this article I am going to discuss how you can copy the data inside an image field from one record to the image field of another record. This could come in handy in different ways but what I am trying to accomplish here is to show related ‘hobby’ data on a contact record in Dynamics 365. In the example I am using for this article, I want to showRead More
Modern Advanced Find in D365

As most of you are probably aware of by now, as part of 2022 Release Wave 1 Microsoft is replacing the legacy advanced find feature with a brand new upgraded version. This is very big news, since we’ve had the legacy advance find for a long time and it’s never really been upgraded! One of the questions that I heard from the community kept coming up as people heard aboutRead More