Category: D365 Customer Service
D365 Customer Service: Dialer Enhancements

The 2024 release wave 1 for Dynamics 365 brought us some awesome features for the Dynamics 365 CX apps. So far, this release packed a lot of cool and innovative stuff to make all of the different apps work better. In this article, I will discuss the new improvements that have been made to the dialer inside of Dynamics 365 Customer Service. If you’re not sure what the dialer is inRead More
Extend D365 Customer Service Copilot with Prompt Plugins (preview)

The preview feature that I am writing about today is a feature that a lot of us have been waiting for! I am super excited that it’s finally here, and I think this will be a game changer for service organizations! If you are familiar with Dynamics 365 Customer Service, than you most likely have seen the Copilot for agents (this is what I call it) that lives inside ofRead More
Use Copilot in D365 Customer Service to generate knowledge articles from cases

Microsoft is adding more and more functionality to Copilot and I am loving it! It’s almost like every time I log into one of the Dynamics 365 apps, there are new things that Copilot can do, no matter which app I am in! Today I am going to discuss a feature that you can test right now, because it is currently in public preview. The feature I am talking aboutRead More
Copilot assistance for form fill in Model-Driven Apps

Believe it or not, I have actually received requests in the past where prospects wanted the system to automatically create records in Dataverse or Dynamics 365, which of course is kind of crazy! We always need to integrate with another system, or have someone either enter data manually or import the data into Dynamics 365 (or Dataverse) (for example rows like accounts, contacts, opportunities, cases, etc.) after which we canRead More
Find Dynamics 365 Data in Outlook using mentions

Today I stumbled across a feature that is pretty new! This feature was just released on March 6th and I have to say I am loving it! Apparently, it has been in preview, so I am not sure how I missed it, but I guess with so many new features being pushed out on a regular basis, it is to be expected that some features slip through the cracks! First,Read More
D365 Customer Service: New Dialer Experience(preview)

As part of 2023 release wave 2 Microsoft has made several improvements to the dialer in Dynamics 365 Customer Service. This dialer is available for agents to use if the voice channel in Dynamics 365 Customer Service has been configured in the environment. The new dialer has an improved design and enhanced dialing features, such as phone number editing capabilities, a call history list, and administrative settings for countries andRead More
2023 Wave 2 Release Notes: D365 Customer Service

If you read my most recent article, you have probably heard that the release notes for 2023 Release Wave 2 came out on July 18, 2023! As I mentioned in last week’s article, I had a chance to look them over and I am writing another series of articles on the new features and updates that are part of this release. I started last week with the first part ofRead More